Vollständige Version anzeigen : More mini-videos for the fans - Official Vanguard Forums ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
18.09.2006, 10:19
Keeping the big one up for now.


www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieVI.avi (http://www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieVI.avi)

www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieVII.avi (http://www.bradmcquaid.com/MovieVII.avi)

#6 Shows the starting area for Humans near Khal, and then I hop on a drake and fly down to Khal itself. Then a quick trip on a griffon. The point of this video is to show the freedom that flying mounts will bring to the game, but I must post the following disclaimer: the flying mounts are VERY early in terms of polish -- their animations, how you sit on them, etc. So please keep that in mind. Also, while the world looks pretty good, IMHO, from up high, it's not polished yet from that altitude, so things are still rough, there are artifacts, etc. I believe it also shows a train http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif (There are some low level players in the area fighting).

#7 Brings me back to Thestra (the previous were on Khal, so we needed a change). I ride around a bit and then find a mini-dungeon with White Trolls. These guys are tough, have a lot of hitpoints, even for my level 50 Ranger. While the combat isn't as exciting as Jerrith's videos, it does show soloing at this point in the game at higher levels (though I don't show the UI).

Again, please keep in mind these are rough and more polished and professionally put together videos are coming -- these are for you all who deserve a sneak peek of beta 3 who aren't in beta (yet).

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1464894#post1464894)