Vollständige Version anzeigen : Happy New Year from the Vanguard Team!

Molgam Bot
08.01.2009, 04:01
<p>Happy 2009! We hope everyone had a nice holiday season and had fun ringing in the New Year. We're looking forward to a great MMIX, and many exciting new additions to Vanguard this year. And just as we did at this time last year, a few members of the Vanguard team (and our supporting teams) are sharing their resolutions with us. </p> <p><strong>Jered Gray (Programmer):</strong><br> To finally win a game with the company indoor soccer team.</p> <p><strong>James Rochelle (Senior Artist):</strong><br> To make even more awesome artwork this year, while losing 50 lbs. :)</p> <p><strong>Susan "Soffrina" Rummani (Community Relations):</strong><br> My New Year&rsquo;s resolution(s) for 2009 is to try to exercise more than I did last year, and since I love to cook, to take a few cooking classes. Overall I would love to be healthy, wealthy and wise! </p> <p><strong>Corey "Ceythos" LeFever (Designer):</strong><br> In no particular order - work out more, find some more time/energy to make some more art, spend more time with my wife (probably the only one I&rsquo;ll end up keeping).</p> <p><strong>Thom "PhAtHoM" Terrazas (Producer):</strong><br> Figure out why I have so many email addresses; remember not to squat when wearing spurs; root for the Chargers to beat the Steelers; root for the Red Sox to get knocked out of the playoffs by a payroll 5 times less then theirs.. oh wait! ; convince the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers and Angels to just pay me the luxury tax for going over the Payroll &ldquo;limit&rdquo; (ironic) being that it doesn&rsquo;t get them to the World Series; locate a good knee surgeon/therapist; finally take my brother&rsquo;s advice and eat a whole bag of Oreos before I go see his very attractive dental hygenist&hellip;</p> <p><strong>Chris Atkins (Artist):<br> </strong>Stay active all year, and create more art for myself and friends.</p> <p><strong>Midori "Momochi" McDaniel (Community Relations): </strong><br> Go to massage once a month! Visit at least 3 national parks! Visit Disneyland on my birthday! Visit my parents! haha</p> <p><strong>William "Wigin" Bidermann (Designer):<br> </strong>To go to the gym more than I press the snooze button on my alarm clock.</p> <p><strong>Sharon "Moonlite" Morris (Head GM):<br> </strong>To listen to more Swallow the Sun and eat more chocolate!</p> <p><strong>Justin "Jansan" Deeb (Designer):<br> </strong>To secretly delete gnomes from Vanguard!</p> <p><strong>Joel "Raijinn" Sasaki (Community Relations):</strong><br> My New Years resolution this year has a couple of parts to it actually. First of all I wanted to challenge myself so I&rsquo;ve decided to go vegetarian for the most part and restrict my meats to only sea creatures (fish, shrimp, etc.). This is a huge task for me since I love a nice juicy steak but I thought it would be worth a shot to see how well my willpower holds up. </p> <p>I have also made the commitment to hit the gym on a consistent basis instead of the random pop in work outs that I have been doing for the past couple years. I&rsquo;ve set some realistic personal goals on that front as well to keep me motivated.</p> <p>Finally, I&rsquo;ve wanted to donate some time to help out the local community by volunteering and I&rsquo;m thinking I can make that happen this year. So those are my resolutions this year, hopefully I can make them all happen. And if not&hellip;at least I get a juicy steak out of it.</p> <p>If you want to jazz up your desktop SOE-style, the SOE podcast team has a couple of New Years wallpapers uploaded for the sharing. <A href="http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/wallpaper/NewYear_1680x1050.jpg" title="http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/wallpaper/NewYear_1680x1050.jpg" target="_blank">1680x1050</A> <A href="http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/wallpaper/NewYear_1024x768.jpg" title="http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/wallpaper/NewYear_1024x768.jpg" target="_blank">1024x768</A> </p> <p>Enjoy! And Happy New Year! </p> <p>&nbsp; </p>

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08.01.2009, 18:31
Besser spät als nie :-)

Happy New Year!