Molgam Bot
08.01.2009, 04:01
<p>Happy 2009! We hope everyone had a nice holiday season and had fun ringing in the New Year. We're looking forward to a great MMIX, and many exciting new additions to Vanguard this year. And just as we did at this time last year, a few members of the Vanguard team (and our supporting teams) are sharing their resolutions with us. </p> <p><strong>Jered Gray (Programmer):</strong><br> To finally win a game with the company indoor soccer team.</p> <p><strong>James Rochelle (Senior Artist):</strong><br> To make even more awesome artwork this year, while losing 50 lbs. :)</p> <p><strong>Susan "Soffrina" Rummani (Community Relations):</strong><br> My New Year’s resolution(s) for 2009 is to try to exercise more than I did last year, and since I love to cook, to take a few cooking classes. Overall I would love to be healthy, wealthy and wise! </p> <p><strong>Corey "Ceythos" LeFever (Designer):</strong><br> In no particular order - work out more, find some more time/energy to make some more art, spend more time with my wife (probably the only one I’ll end up keeping).</p> <p><strong>Thom "PhAtHoM" Terrazas (Producer):</strong><br> Figure out why I have so many email addresses; remember not to squat when wearing spurs; root for the Chargers to beat the Steelers; root for the Red Sox to get knocked out of the playoffs by a payroll 5 times less then theirs.. oh wait! ; convince the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers and Angels to just pay me the luxury tax for going over the Payroll “limit” (ironic) being that it doesn’t get them to the World Series; locate a good knee surgeon/therapist; finally take my brother’s advice and eat a whole bag of Oreos before I go see his very attractive dental hygenist…</p> <p><strong>Chris Atkins (Artist):<br> </strong>Stay active all year, and create more art for myself and friends.</p> <p><strong>Midori "Momochi" McDaniel (Community Relations): </strong><br> Go to massage once a month! Visit at least 3 national parks! Visit Disneyland on my birthday! Visit my parents! haha</p> <p><strong>William "Wigin" Bidermann (Designer):<br> </strong>To go to the gym more than I press the snooze button on my alarm clock.</p> <p><strong>Sharon "Moonlite" Morris (Head GM):<br> </strong>To listen to more Swallow the Sun and eat more chocolate!</p> <p><strong>Justin "Jansan" Deeb (Designer):<br> </strong>To secretly delete gnomes from Vanguard!</p> <p><strong>Joel "Raijinn" Sasaki (Community Relations):</strong><br> My New Years resolution this year has a couple of parts to it actually. First of all I wanted to challenge myself so I’ve decided to go vegetarian for the most part and restrict my meats to only sea creatures (fish, shrimp, etc.). This is a huge task for me since I love a nice juicy steak but I thought it would be worth a shot to see how well my willpower holds up. </p> <p>I have also made the commitment to hit the gym on a consistent basis instead of the random pop in work outs that I have been doing for the past couple years. I’ve set some realistic personal goals on that front as well to keep me motivated.</p> <p>Finally, I’ve wanted to donate some time to help out the local community by volunteering and I’m thinking I can make that happen this year. So those are my resolutions this year, hopefully I can make them all happen. And if not…at least I get a juicy steak out of it.</p> <p>If you want to jazz up your desktop SOE-style, the SOE podcast team has a couple of New Years wallpapers uploaded for the sharing. <A href="" title="" target="_blank">1680x1050</A> <A href="" title="" target="_blank">1024x768</A> </p> <p>Enjoy! And Happy New Year! </p> <p> </p>
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