Vollständige Version anzeigen : Help if you want to... - Official Vanguard Forums ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
20.09.2006, 05:34
Just wanted to say thanks for those who went over there and answered questions and helped out. Some of the posts got a little nasty and while I'm sure nobody here started anything, again, please don't contribute. Anyway, thanks big time for your help, now and in the future. A lot of people have misconceptions about the game... a lot of misinformation is out there. Again, I don't expect the true skeptics or those who simply hate Sigil or Vanguard because of SOE or our choice in terms of game design to necessarily change their minds, but there are a lot of lurkers out there, and it would be a shame if one of them got turned off because they read and believed something that was false. I truly believe in grass roots marketing and PR and geting the word out about the game on message boards and the like -- I've believed in it since before EQ was out, and it did EQ a lot of good, especially in the beginning when few believed in MMOGs and therefore formal marketing was almost impossible to get. In fact, my belief in the power of messaging on sites and the like goes back even before EQ to when Raph "Designer Dragon" Koster posted all over the place about UO before it was released. And that personal touch, always having the people actually behind a product reach out to people on a personal level I learned as a kid reading Marvel comics and seeing how Stan Lee and others would answer mail sent to them and answered as many of them as they could, in a very personable way, each months in the letters section.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1471672#post1471672)