Vollständige Version anzeigen : Game Update - Wednesday February 4th, 2009

Molgam Bot
04.02.2009, 06:59
<p> The winter solstice has come and passed. The inhabitants of Telon are welcoming the return of the sun and longer days. In the wake of Gloriann&rsquo;s Festival, strange things are happening in New Targonor. First came the horrific nightmares. Then children began going missing. Despite the best efforts of the Thestran Watch and the Sages Arcane to find any evidence, little to no light has been shed on either occurrence. Though warmer days are ahead for Telon, how dark will they be? <br> <br> Those curious about the recent events should seek out Edric Nichols amongst New Targonor&rsquo;s courtyards and perhaps have a look for themselves.<a href="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/newsArchive.vm?id=821">Read on</a></p>

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