Molgam Bot
20.09.2006, 18:09
Originally Posted by magusfire24 (
Thanks so much for that video Sir Mithara! That was fantastic! the world already feels very alive, and I especially liked how the undead lumber / limp about.
Thanks -- a good example of a race (though not playable) specific animation applied to a humanoid body, btw (poke at the unibody haters -- if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it).
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Originally Posted by magusfire24 (
Thanks so much for that video Sir Mithara! That was fantastic! the world already feels very alive, and I especially liked how the undead lumber / limp about.
Thanks -- a good example of a race (though not playable) specific animation applied to a humanoid body, btw (poke at the unibody haters -- if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it).
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