Vollständige Version anzeigen : Server Maintenance- Multiple Servers

Molgam Bot
12.02.2009, 14:12
<span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(67, 115, 151);">Status: <span style="color: rgb(193, 0, 0);">Servers are offline</span></span><br><br>At 7:00 AM EST we will be briniging down a number of servers for maintenance. The following servers will be coming offline for this maintenance: Anlec, Averheim, Bechafen, Bretonnia, Drakwald, Drifting Castle, Eerie Downs, Grimnir, Hochland, Lucan, Lustria, Marius, Mordheim, Rakarth, Sea of Malice, Tower of Doom,&nbsp; Wasteland,&nbsp; and White Tower.&nbsp; We anticipate these servers will be back online by 11:30 AT EST.&nbsp; As always, we thank youi for your patience and understanding.&nbsp; Keep checking back here for updates.<br><br><span style="color: rgb(67, 115, 151);">Update: 7:05 AM EST - Servers Anlec, Averheim, Bechafen, Bretonnia, Drakwald, Drifting Castle, Eerie
Downs, Grimnir, Hochland, Lucan, Lustria, Marius, Mordheim, Rakarth,
Sea of Malice, Tower of Doom,&nbsp; Wasteland,&nbsp; and White Tower have been taken down for maintenance.</span><br>

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