Vollständige Version anzeigen : So my horse gets whacked.. - Official Vanguard Forums ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
20.09.2006, 20:08
Originally Posted by Ticky http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1473252#post1473252)
Will it be....

A: "dead" and will I have to spam in general "WTB mount Rez PST!!!!" ?
(This is assuming I'm not a rezer class myself)

B: "Sort of dead" and will there be some sort of ablility/item/skill or time limit on rezing your own mount?

(If it's "A" I'm rolling up a class that can rez. http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif )

No horse combat at launch, but the way it would work at some point is that he'd need a rez before you could use him again, access items in his saddle bags, etc. Same with destroyed ships -- you'd need to bring a craftsman out to the flotsam. But this is post-release. For launch when you enter combat you dismount.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1473767#post1473767)