Vollständige Version anzeigen : Server Update 3/13/08 - Multiple Servers

Molgam Bot
13.03.2009, 08:53
Greetings!<br><br>At 9:30AM EDT Dark Crag and Iron Rock will be brought down for a server update. This is a necessary update the allows us to put the keep lords through obedience school (they needed to learn to learn the meaning of "Stay") as well as fixing some guild issues such as Heraldry not displaying properly!<br><br>We apologize for the short notice though and anticipate the servers to be online by 2:00PM EDT so you can enjoy these changes at the start of your weekend rumbles!<br><br>Thank you and as always please keep an eye on The Herald for updates.<br>

Weiterlesen... (http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war?id=699)