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Molgam Bot
22.09.2006, 12:09
Originally Posted by Manaleeshi http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1480816#post1480816)
Havnt found the first movie yet. Watched the second one though.

I really love the world. The graphics are great, the horse animation is looking much better. Graphically its awesome basically. The only thing that concerns me is the combat. In EQ, the combat was exactly like that in early levels. When you fight an Orc Centurion he hits, then pauses, then hits and pauses etc.. But at later levels when you watch a character fight, its slash! slash! slash! slash! all really fast. So seeing as Aradune is level 50, im kinda hoping that he isn't fighting how a real level 50 would fight. Because it did look like it had alot of pausing. Im also concerned theres not much strategy for solo play. Wheres this "magic the gathering" type gameplay, and the reactive elements etc? I know that happens in group play, but why can't solo play be fun too? Even in EQ, we had people running around quad kiting 4 mobs. Repetitive and boring after a while imo.... But it was atleast kind of fast paced and action packed and required the player to control their character running around, while using various spells at the same time. It was the same for some other classes too. Even in a stationary battle, my necro was going crazy with spells. I was lifetapping to counteract all the nukes that where hitting me, i was dotting and rooting and snaring and debuffing, all against a single higher level mob in solo play. It was really "involving".

So i'll be really dissapointed if Vanguard cant offer atleast the same or better than a game thats several years old.

But thats just combat... Other than that, the movie was great. The graphics are awesome and i liked the sound effects in that movie. The only graphical tweaks i personally would do to that, would be to lessen or remove the screen shaking when one of those troll things walk away. They just dont look big and heavy enough to cause that kind of effect. Save it for huge giants. I also personally, would change the colouring of some of those trolls. I quite liked the white one we saw in a previous movie, but in this movie, i noticed pink with the white. It didnt look like a decaying fleshy pink though. It looked like a slight food dye pink, and made it look a bit like barney the dinosaur, rather than a fearsome scary mob.

Sorry for the critical bits, i hope they are constructive though. I was very impressed by the movie though. Its looking alot more like a finished game to me. I love seeing these areas more populated, with mobs lurking around. etc. And the character models and the environment are all very good.

I am going to leave the Aradune combat out in the future and capture actual players' combat. I think it's better to see other actual players fighting than Aradune soloing mobs that are many levels lower than him, in GM mode, and only using a few attacks -- remember that Aradune is a GM character and wasn't built up to 50 like a real character would be. So keep that in mind while watching these, and I think you'll like the combat you see in the future better (in the first of set 2, there was a group fighting a troll -- was that better?)

Also, yes, we focused on getting the PC animations more fleshed out first. Plus, we're working on the fluidity of animations in general. Then we have race specific player animations. And then we have to do a lot of work on various NPCs. Some NPCs have great animations as well as variety, and some don't. I'm also going to make an effort to avoid combat involving those that don't yet.

Anyway, glad you guys are enjoying them in any case, and thanks for the feedback http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

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