Molgam Bot
22.09.2006, 22:04
Originally Posted by DireWolf666 (
sorry for bringing up an old thread, but i just wanted to say.. i read both this thread and the one and well big kudos to Aradune, he's probably the first CEO of a game company i see who keeps close to the playerbase like that, and i can tell you it feels good, compared to some other people who just stay high in their tower of l33tness and won't address you a word, so i just want to say thank you mr McQuaid for respecting us!!
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Originally Posted by DireWolf666 (
sorry for bringing up an old thread, but i just wanted to say.. i read both this thread and the one and well big kudos to Aradune, he's probably the first CEO of a game company i see who keeps close to the playerbase like that, and i can tell you it feels good, compared to some other people who just stay high in their tower of l33tness and won't address you a word, so i just want to say thank you mr McQuaid for respecting us!!
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