Vollständige Version anzeigen : Beyond the Sands Live Event - Now Live!

Molgam Bot
20.04.2009, 18:42
The race to the Land of the Dead has begun, as the forces of Order and
Destruction vie for the valuable resources to fuel their expeditions and build an airship.
Join the effort by speaking to Garek Hammershield in Altdorf's War
Quarters or Nebesh Painson in The Inevitable City's Fate's Edge. <br>
The Beyond the Sands Live Event runs from April 20th through April
27th (at 9:00 AM EDT); don't miss your chance to earn a special new Land of the
Dead-themed Title, Trophy, and exclusive item! Be sure to check out the <a href="http://herald.warhammeronline.com/liveevents/2009BeyondtheSands.php">Beyond the Sands</a> Live Event page and last week's <a href="http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war?id=743">Beyond the Sands Grab Bag</a> for more details!

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