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Molgam Bot
23.09.2006, 21:23
Originally Posted by Porathgorax http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1485357#post1485357)
Whoa super pictures~!! If you've got a lead on something it's envioronment(detail everywhere, great sky,trees,grasses,motions, and weather NOW added lanscape lighting) Amazing~! and these lastest graphical incorperations and the ones to come.. great :}

Did you or everyone get my post on, EVENTUALLY adding more complexity to monsters moving around during a fight ? the bosses ? the Krealix battle in which he animate fights in place the entire battle. It's not altogether poor the battle looks fine, it does (Keep up creating and layering combat animations for BOTH player and monsters there shaping up good)

But please don't leave out the sophisticated alogorithyms of positional movement from one place to another WITHIN THE BATTLE ENCOUNTER and FIGHT that does'nt break the locked combat.. It will make combat come more alive for certain bosses once you figure out how to incorperate it.

Once monsters are locked in combat there should be a subset of instructions giving the specific monster personality and a script of motion (moving positionally somewhere) on some(not all monsters) along WITH the already appearent combat animations

It's actually innovative what i'm suggesting if you can pull it off... and the added scripts will perfect the locked combat situations if done right (not too fast a script, but one that makes the monster occasionally wake and move, or do SOMETHING within the fighting) Making us to believe it's involved and participating too in a desparate fight.

Applies to for other fights also, just suggesting for the future wish list and eventuallity to be worked on in the future, thx :}

We're finishing up NPC AI in general and then hope to have NPC specific animations per type, but I can't promise yet how many, if any, will be in by launch. So could be pre or post launch -- I'll know more by beta 4.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1485441#post1485441)