Vollständige Version anzeigen : PVE vs PVP...the final argument - Official Vanguard Forums ************* (Aradune Mithara)

Molgam Bot
24.09.2006, 01:01
Originally Posted by Vampirian http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1469715#post1469715)

For those of you that have been around the block a few times you may remember the Bartle Test from days gone by. I am bringing this to everyone?s attention because I am tired of people talking out their blow holes when it comes to quantifying the existence of PvP servers.

In short, Bartle proposed that there are four kinds of players:
socializers, killers, explorers and achievers.

Socializers tend to be more interested in interacting with other players.

Killers get their kicks by interacting with other players too, mainly by inflicting themselves on others -- primarily by killing other players' avatars and taking their items, or causing grief in some other way. (Grief being a relative terms and debatable in it?s meaning)

Achievers tend to interact with the game world itself, in an effort to gain power, money, stature, equipment, abilities, or anything else that will get them ahead. Achievers can at times be classified as Killers if the game system allows them to gain rank or special items only attainable thru Killer status..

Explorers, finally, like achievers, prefer to interact with the game environment -- but their emphasis on exploring the game world (finding new areas, monsters, etc.) on a literal and/or mechanical level.

Top 10 MUDs (in no specific order)with number of respondents
================================================== ===================
# MUD name Count Ac So Kl Ex
1. Everquest 5323 50 51 38 59
2. Ultima Online 3507 48 48 45 57
3. Dark Age of Camelot 3274 46 50 46 56
4. Asheron's Call 1853 52 47 40 60
5. Star Wars Galaxies 1656 48 53 34 63
6. Anarchy Online 1632 50 51 39 59
7. Wyvern 1501 57 44 37 60
8. Realms of Despair 1206 49 54 34 61
9. World of Warcraft 994 50 47 41 60
10. Shadowbane 898 45 42 64 46

Top Countries (Show ALL)
# Country Count Ach Soc Kil Exp
1 United States 126342 50 48 45 56
2. Canada 14488 50 49 44 55
3. Germany 13072 45 56 43 54
4. United Kingdom 7467 47 53 41 56
5. France 4301 44 57 41 57
6. Sweden 4247 46 53 45 54
7. Australia 3970 49 51 43 55
8. Netherlands 2304 48 55 40 55
9. Italy 1902 43 57 38 60
10. Denmark 1650 46 54 43 55

Popularity of the combinations:

1. SE 15% (52302)
2. ES 14% (47858)
3. EA 12% (41146)
4. KA 12% (40823)
5. AK 8% (28748)
6. AS 7% (24188)
7. AE 7% (23955)
8. KE 5% (18399)
9. SA 4% (16549)
10. KS 4% (13989)
11. SK 4% (13847)
12. EK 3% (11170)

29% of the most popular combinations have Explorer as the primary preference.

23% of the most popular combinations have Socializer as the primary preference.

22% of the most popular combinations have Achiever as the Primary preference

21% of the most popular combinations have Killer as the primary preference.

The above data proves, without a doubt that the Killer is a larger part of the gamming community than people want to believe. When an 8% spread separates the Killer from the Explorer it must be assumed that it is wise for any game design company to build in PvP to it?s system.

What does 8% mean in the overall scheme of things? Lets look at it in a simple form. Game X has 500,000 subscribers. Basically it means the following:

145,000 are primarily Explorers
115,000 are primarily Socializers
110,000 are primarily Achievers
105,000 are primarily Killers

Take this a step further and if you group Achievers and Killers together, which Bartle says you need the 2 groups to have a balanced game, then you now are accounting for 43% of your current subscriber market.

To bring more merit to my argument look at the current heavy weight as far as total subscriptions go: World of Warcraft. Even with a poorly implemented PvP system it caters to the 4 above personality types and therefore has more subscriptions than any game in existence today. (Not counting Asian games.)

If you want to see what type of personality you are you can find a version of the Bartle test here: http://www.black-knight.org/pp/bartle/

You may have to cater the questioning a bit as this was designed for the game Puzzle Pirates. When it makes mention of ?Solving Puzzles? insert ?Completing Quests.? If you choose to take this test please cut and paste it and post it in this thread.

Sorry for poor formatting http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif

I don't degree, and neither does history, with Bartle's assertion that the 'killers' have to be intergrated in with the other types. That's why, as important as PvP is to us, just like EQ 1, PvP will be on alternate ruleset servers.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1485995#post1485995)