Molgam Bot
24.09.2006, 02:15
Originally Posted by Wolf_eyes (
I'd be interested to know what your personal opinion of Asheron's Call (the origional) was, Brad. I'm not attacking you here, I liked EQ..I just liked AC better, and I'd like to know what parts of each you thought were worth while...
I really like the seamless world (except for dungeons) and a variety of other cool features. What it suffered from most, imho, was a lack of content and variety (I think it was just too early to do a seamless world -- perhaps too early for even SW:G). Now is the time though, and Vanguard here we come
(btw, played some AC but not a ton -- Jeff Butler played it to very high levels and could comment in more detail).
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Originally Posted by Wolf_eyes (
I'd be interested to know what your personal opinion of Asheron's Call (the origional) was, Brad. I'm not attacking you here, I liked EQ..I just liked AC better, and I'd like to know what parts of each you thought were worth while...
I really like the seamless world (except for dungeons) and a variety of other cool features. What it suffered from most, imho, was a lack of content and variety (I think it was just too early to do a seamless world -- perhaps too early for even SW:G). Now is the time though, and Vanguard here we come
(btw, played some AC but not a ton -- Jeff Butler played it to very high levels and could comment in more detail).
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