Vollständige Version anzeigen : Introducing Guild Focus Groups

Molgam Bot
10.06.2009, 01:41
Greetings!<br><br>Starting with this weeks testing of Land of the Dead we would like to announce the first invitational round of our Guild Focus Group program.<br><br>As many of you know guilds are very important to the social development of server communities and often enhance player enjoyment of the game. To that end we want to reach out to those that can provide us with detailed, constructive feedback to help improve the game and better foster the communities unique to each server as well as to help thoroughly test new content when it arrives on the PTS.<br><br>If you are a guild leader (or want to suggest it to your guild leader) and this sounds like its right up your alley we encourage you to apply!<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Continue reading for the application!</span><br>

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