Vollständige Version anzeigen : 1.3 Public Test Has Concluded!

Molgam Bot
15.06.2009, 17:53
<P>Our Game Update 1.3 Public Test has come to a close, and&nbsp;Warpstone is currently down&nbsp;in preparation for the launch of 1.3 this week.</P>
<P>We want to thank everyone who took the time to come out to the Public Test server for the 1.3 Public Test.&nbsp;Your time, energy, and feedback/bug report contributions are <EM>greatly</EM> appreciated. We had a&nbsp;fantastic time, and hope you did too! Your efforts have proven invaluable to help us make&nbsp;<EM>WAR</EM> a&nbsp;better game. We hope to see you all next time!<BR><BR><BR></P>

Weiterlesen... (http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war?id=822)