Molgam Bot
26.09.2006, 03:14
<div id="post_message_564350"> Quote:
Originally Posted by The Hiram Key
Rangoth you are correct, in that tidbits of new or previously unknown information can and will make it's way through Brad's filter and into our collective hearts and minds. I do not dispute that in the least. However....
There can be no real middle ground here, despite what he says. Either we are seeing the raw uncut, unedited, unsensored information in it's pure state, or we are not. Black or white, on or off, there is no middle ground on the pure release of information and more importantly, reviews.
I can see putting the filter in place to prevent people from going crazy and spamming "VANGUARD SUCKS !!!" over and over again, that makes sense in a way, why allow people who are your guests (beta players) to shit all over your couch (your game). But you need to consider....each one of those reviews, positive, negative, or whatever mix of the two are key pieces of information that help you and I decide if we want to try out the new game.
By removing bits and pieces of information, parts of or whole reviews altogether from this "bigger picture" you are no longer presenting a true and accurate picture of what the game truly is.
By filtering, you have decided to color, or "spin" the reviews, stories and whatnot into a picture that you personally find pleasing, that makes your game look like something is may or may not be, and something that will please your stockholders / financial backers.
I just said I've altered there posts in NO way. The filter I would apply would indeed be the 'vanguard sucks! vanguard sucks!' stuff, which I doubt I'll get, and then also info regarding systems that are still being tweaked such that we don't want people to get the wrong impression until they're tweaked to a point where we're pretty happy with them, as well as information that would spoil the game for new players (and so far the accounts aren't about high level stuff, so this is doubtful as well).
And I'll stick by my guns -- there IS a middle ground between total NDA and zero NDA and this is one of those middle grounds. Read them, learn from them, or wait until beta 5 or when you have a chance to buy the game or play it at a friends. It's up to each of you individually. But, bottom line, you have more info than you had before.
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Originally Posted by The Hiram Key
Rangoth you are correct, in that tidbits of new or previously unknown information can and will make it's way through Brad's filter and into our collective hearts and minds. I do not dispute that in the least. However....
There can be no real middle ground here, despite what he says. Either we are seeing the raw uncut, unedited, unsensored information in it's pure state, or we are not. Black or white, on or off, there is no middle ground on the pure release of information and more importantly, reviews.
I can see putting the filter in place to prevent people from going crazy and spamming "VANGUARD SUCKS !!!" over and over again, that makes sense in a way, why allow people who are your guests (beta players) to shit all over your couch (your game). But you need to consider....each one of those reviews, positive, negative, or whatever mix of the two are key pieces of information that help you and I decide if we want to try out the new game.
By removing bits and pieces of information, parts of or whole reviews altogether from this "bigger picture" you are no longer presenting a true and accurate picture of what the game truly is.
By filtering, you have decided to color, or "spin" the reviews, stories and whatnot into a picture that you personally find pleasing, that makes your game look like something is may or may not be, and something that will please your stockholders / financial backers.
I just said I've altered there posts in NO way. The filter I would apply would indeed be the 'vanguard sucks! vanguard sucks!' stuff, which I doubt I'll get, and then also info regarding systems that are still being tweaked such that we don't want people to get the wrong impression until they're tweaked to a point where we're pretty happy with them, as well as information that would spoil the game for new players (and so far the accounts aren't about high level stuff, so this is doubtful as well).
And I'll stick by my guns -- there IS a middle ground between total NDA and zero NDA and this is one of those middle grounds. Read them, learn from them, or wait until beta 5 or when you have a chance to buy the game or play it at a friends. It's up to each of you individually. But, bottom line, you have more info than you had before.
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