Molgam Bot
26.09.2006, 07:42
Originally Posted by BadYeti (
Either Jerrith's getting lazy on organizing his bard's command tray or it's just got a crazy amount of options to consider in comparison to his higher level sorcerer. That sorcerer does pack a mean punch, though.
On the sorcerer, I don't have a hotkey bar up with any of the (many) AE abilities the sorcerer has available, as I wanted to make sure I didn't hit any by mistake. *grins*
With those, and a few more utility spells, I'd probably have another 8-10 icons up.
Originally Posted by kalade
One question about the suits they get in, can they only be used in that area or do they only last for a limited ammount of time?
Both restrictions are in place, they can only be used in that area, and they only last a limited amount of time. They sure are fun while you're in them though! Not only do they look neat, they also give you some temporary abilities that make fighting some of the NPCs in the area easier.
Originally Posted by Vladrin
Btw on the 2nd vid if you turn up the volume really loud you can hear someone talking
Good find. I thought I'd stripped the sound from that movie, but it's still there, just really soft. I was in (external) voice chat with the people I was grouped with and you can just barely hear a little bit of it...
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Originally Posted by BadYeti (
Either Jerrith's getting lazy on organizing his bard's command tray or it's just got a crazy amount of options to consider in comparison to his higher level sorcerer. That sorcerer does pack a mean punch, though.
On the sorcerer, I don't have a hotkey bar up with any of the (many) AE abilities the sorcerer has available, as I wanted to make sure I didn't hit any by mistake. *grins*
With those, and a few more utility spells, I'd probably have another 8-10 icons up.
Originally Posted by kalade
One question about the suits they get in, can they only be used in that area or do they only last for a limited ammount of time?
Both restrictions are in place, they can only be used in that area, and they only last a limited amount of time. They sure are fun while you're in them though! Not only do they look neat, they also give you some temporary abilities that make fighting some of the NPCs in the area easier.
Originally Posted by Vladrin
Btw on the 2nd vid if you turn up the volume really loud you can hear someone talking
Good find. I thought I'd stripped the sound from that movie, but it's still there, just really soft. I was in (external) voice chat with the people I was grouped with and you can just barely hear a little bit of it...
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