
Vollständige Version anzeigen : To NDA or not to NDA - Fires of Heaven ************* (Jerrith)

Molgam Bot
27.09.2006, 05:22
Originally Posted by Cad
At first glance it looks like, red bar = health, green bar = endurance, and blue bar = energy (mana) ? Some spells appear to cost endurance as well as energy, and some only energy. Whats the idea behind this?

You have multiple expendable pools to manage, and need to decide how you want to use them. One example for the sorcerer is that I could decide to change combat forms (each change costs some endurance) so that when I cast each spell, I'm in the form that gives that damage type a small bonus. Or I could cast a higher damage spell that drains both energy (mana) and endurance. Some classes can consume HP as well, making it an interesting balancing act to use all three expendable pools efficiently. Most classes depend on one pool the most, using the others allows you to be more effective, but requires more strategy.

Originally Posted by Cad
Also are there any methods to regenerate your energy in combat besides just standing there? Managing energy would seem to be important - are there any classes which don't feature this, ala rogue/warrior vs. mage/warlock in WoW?

Yes, as a sorcerer I can summon mana shards every once in a while that restore my energy. Most of the fighter classes care about endurance (which regenerates more rapidly) more than energy.

Originally Posted by Cad
Also, was there any particular reason he was casting a wide variety of spells, other than to show the spell graphics? Does each have a particular utility that I couldn't discern in the fight or was he just showing the different spells that are available?

Recast times, efficiency, benefits to casting at different ranges all play a role in determining what's best to cast at any moment. I probably was not playing optimally, but was trying to show a variety of spells.
<div> __________________
Jerrith Healerson
65th level Cleric
Guardians of Veeshan
Programmer at Sigil

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