Vollständige Version anzeigen : BlizzCon Tickets on Sale Saturday at 10 a.m. Pacific

Molgam Bot
05.06.2010, 07:49
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<p>If you were unable to purchase BlizzCon tickets during the first round of ticket sales, we just wanted to remind you that our second batch of BlizzCon 2010 tickets will be going on sale <b>Saturday, June 5 at 10 a.m.</b> Pacific Time. Visit the
<a href="http://us.blizzard.com/store/blizzcon-tickets.xml">ticket sales page</a> then for a chance to get yours.
BlizzCon 2010 will take place October 22 and 23 at the Anaheim Convention Center, and tickets cost $150 USD each. For those unable to attend the show, in-depth coverage of BlizzCon will also be offered by DIRECTV as a Pay Per View event, available both via satellite and multi-channel Internet stream -- keep an eye on <a href="http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcon/">BlizzCon site</a> for more information in the near future.
<a href="http://us.blizzard.com/store/blizzcon-tickets.xml">Click here</a> to go to the BlizzCon 2010 ticket-sales page.</p>