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Molgam Bot
01.10.2006, 07:43
Many years ago when I first got my cat Fuzzball I was walking home from school and heard a huge rackett going up the hill in the woods next to my house.

I turned to look and I saw this giant ball of white and feathers flying everywere going top speed down the hill...and right after it was my cat fuzzball just a flying orange streak. The noise that was coming from this pursuit was unnatural..the white bird sounded like a screaming child.

It was hilarious...there were feathers everywere. I followed the trail to come upon little fuzzball sitting next to her big catch, one of the neighbors chickens.

Thats probably the biggest thing my cats have killed...it always amazed me though how one of them could kill birds, having the advantage of flight didnt seem to matter.

Weiterlesen... (http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1510571#post1510571)