Vollständige Version anzeigen : Against All Odds - The Test!

Molgam Bot
05.08.2010, 23:19
Join the BioWare Mythic Development Team tomorrow night, 8/6/2010 for our second Mass Public Play Test as we preview the all new "Against All Odds" ORvR mechanic. We'll be taking the fight to the RvR Lakes as the developers lead the Realms in an all out Battle Royale. <br><br>The fun all starts at 8:00 PM EDT/02:00 CET on the Warpstone Public Test Server! Full Sovereign RR 80 Templates are enabled, so everyone can come on out! <br><br>Be sure to stick around after the test for the Developer Q&A Session hosted on the official BioWare Mythic Ventrilo server. Be sure to show up early if you want a slot on the Vent server as space is limited.<br><br>The Official BioWare Mythic Vent information is:<br><br>ventrilo1.eamythic.com<br>port: 3960<br>pw: PTS (Will be changed 10 minutes before the test event).<br><br>We'll see you on Warpstone!<br>

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