Vollständige Version anzeigen : John Larberg bei Vanguard Spheres

04.10.2006, 22:55
John "GM-Verityn" Larberg wurden kürzlich bei Vanguard Spheres einige Fragen gestellt, auf die er antortete.

<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">Q: You´re one of the "newer guys" at Sigil. How do you like it?
I love it. I´ve been in customer support/service for as long as I´ve been working, but it has never been anything like working for Sigil. Though it is quite a challenge, I feel that I can definitely grow with Sigil and help develop it into something great.</div></td></tr></table></ul>

Link: <a href="http://www.vanguardspheres.com/forums/interviews/6842-butterfinger-kid-aka-gm-verityn.html#post15578" target=_blank>Hier gehts zum Interview mit John Larberg</a>
Link: Kommentare (http://forum.vsoh.info/showthread.php?p=12664#post12664)