Vollständige Version anzeigen : February Producer's Letter

Molgam Bot
02.03.2011, 22:14
<P>Greetings, </P>
<P>With Night of Murder winded down and people no longer marked for death, we can look forward towards Spring and the promise it holds.</P>
<P>First of all though I’d like to take time to encourage people to check out the forums <A href="http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/category/230/index">here</A>. We’ve been trying to increase the communication in there and encourage open discussion, notably in the Developers Corner.&nbsp;A few of them were directly related to patch 1.4.1 and revolved around the Renown Cap and armor set progression.&nbsp;As well, we’ve started some hypothetical threads – one about a new scenario type with waves of NPC spawns; the second about the campaign and possible changes you want to see.&nbsp;With 1.4.1 just out the door, a feedback post about the new scenario lineup has been started so we can gather feedback to tailor the lineup further in subsequent patches.&nbsp;The idea is to change them up more often (every few months) so that the action will stay fresh. </P>
<P>With our first patch of the year (1.4.1) wrapped up, we were able to squeeze in nice things and make adjustments to the game and how players will advance through the game.&nbsp; This includes tweaks to our Renown Rank caps, rearrangement of the armor sets, and adjustments to the costs and methods to buy armor and weapons.&nbsp; One of the things we are continuing to take a look at are how the armor sets and innate power of the levels and Renown Ranks are interacting in the world as players rank up in every tier.<BR>&nbsp; <BR>Looking forward, we’ve been working hard on finishing up some tweaks to Grovod Caverns and we want to get that out there with its new Skaven twist in an upcoming patch as a Warfront and if it is received well, as potentially a permanent feature.&nbsp; Likewise, as hinted at before in the previous letter and in my posts on the forums, we want to bring back the Ironclad from Scurvy Dogs.<BR>&nbsp; <BR>As far as Live Events go, the working title for our newest Live Event is SigmarTide and we are pushing forward on that for this Summer.&nbsp; More news on this as we get through Spring, although you might find some hints about the event in Lore. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>As promised in the previous Producer Letter, I want to also hit upon some stuff we have in the works.&nbsp; When we started work on the Verminous Horde, we had a number of thoughts and initiatives that were in the works.&nbsp; We opted to move one or two of these from being tied into that patch and instead concentrate on them after the booster was out and make them free features.&nbsp; One of these features is the addition of new options for crafting.&nbsp; Conceived as ‘advanced crafting’, it will build upon that foundation, but with new and exciting options.&nbsp; The idea behind it is to introduce new mechanics and flesh out the offerings available via player crafting.&nbsp; As we get closer to testing and launch, we’ll give more information and start discussions in the afore-mentioned forums.</P>
<P>Just so you know, we have a full year of Warhammer Online planned out, from events to patches, including features and fun stuff.&nbsp; Along with that plan, we are looking at a number of other hypothetical things that we’d love to work on; we’ll be getting feedback on these as we move forward through the year as well.&nbsp; Plus, finally, we’ll continue to look at the topics and trends that concern you, adding tweaks, changes, of fixes as we go.</P>
<P>Finally, I’d like to give you a teaser on some upcoming events around the EA store.&nbsp; If you haven’t bought the progression or personality pack, we have an upcoming promotion around the combination pack I think you’ll like.&nbsp; Keep an eye on Facebook for details about this. Plus, these guys…</P>
<P align=center><IMG border=0 alt="" src="http://mythicmktg.fileburst.net/war/us/media/images/Beggars.jpg" alignment=""></P>
<P>Thanks again for reading, see you next month, in the forums, and most importantly… on the battlefield!</P>

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