Molgam Bot
07.09.2011, 21:26
Greetings,<br><br>Version 1.4.4 is now open for testing on the Public Test Server. To access the server simply run the testpatch.exe file in your main Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning directory.<br><br>The notes for this test version are available in the <a href="">Patch Notes section</a> of our website. <br><br>To check the new keep defense system, we ask you to participate in two scheduled keep siege tests:<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">• Thursday, 09/08 at 7:00 pm EDT (Friday 1:00 am CEST)<br>• Friday, 09/09 at 3:00 pm EDT (9:00 pm CEST)<br></div><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Please note:</span> For testing purposes all characters on PTS have been wiped and templates are currently not available. You can easily copy your live character to the test server by visiting your Mythic Account Center, login, and click on the Character Transfer Button above your Game Account profiles. Select "character copy" and then fill in the information on the next page to choose the character you wish to copy.<br><br>See you on the test battlefields!
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