Vollständige Version anzeigen : news

12.09.2003, 16:12
all the news i become are those who i found on other english sites, my question is, from where you all becom the news?

sry for my english, i know its terrible :aua:

22.09.2003, 05:57
It comes from the offical EQ2 community manager who pretty much frequents only English sites becuase well he can only speak English.


Shitty Translation:
Es kommt vom offical Gemeinschaftseq2 manager, dem hübsch viel nur englischen Aufstellungsorte becuase Brunnen frequentiert, den, er Englisch nur sprechen kann

22.09.2003, 17:27
is it possible, that u can give me his email in a query / pm ? cause i and much more can translate all the infos, so also the german community get the newest news befor they can read it on english pages... :D :aua:

EDIT: k, it was no problem to find the right people, now i must talk to 'em.

Shitty Translation:
Es kommt vom offical Gemeinschaftseq2 manager, dem hübsch viel nur englischen Aufstellungsorte becuase Brunnen frequentiert, den, er Englisch nur sprechen kann

-> it comes from the offical eq2 community manager, the pretty much only english installation location because fountain frequented, cause he can only speak english. :moo: