21.04.2005, 15:47
Nach den ersten beiden Teilen gibt es nun auch den dritten Teil der Erzählung "Der Preis der Verschwiegenheit" auf der offiziellen Seite.
Rendil pursued his studies with the same focus and concentration he had used to master pick-pocketing in his youth. Each night, he lay awake mulling over the complex theories introduced that day and reviewing every tidbit of overheard conversation. Thinking through a thorny problem often calmed his mind so he could finally sleep.
His days were full and his studies engrossing. A normal day began with an early meal followed by private study and a discussion with Hanrick. They usually walked together to the midday meal. Rendil would then start his afternoon in the library. Recently, his time among the books and scrolls had shortened as he found other apprentices and mentors more available for conversation. He was even allowed to sit in on some talks given by the senior sages. It wasn't long before Rendil had learned of the Sages' role in the building of New Targonor, the responsibilities of advising the Thestran Council, and even the need for proper evaluation of new candidates, among other subjects.
Link: Preis der Verschwiegenheit Kapitel 3 (
Link: Forum (
Rendil pursued his studies with the same focus and concentration he had used to master pick-pocketing in his youth. Each night, he lay awake mulling over the complex theories introduced that day and reviewing every tidbit of overheard conversation. Thinking through a thorny problem often calmed his mind so he could finally sleep.
His days were full and his studies engrossing. A normal day began with an early meal followed by private study and a discussion with Hanrick. They usually walked together to the midday meal. Rendil would then start his afternoon in the library. Recently, his time among the books and scrolls had shortened as he found other apprentices and mentors more available for conversation. He was even allowed to sit in on some talks given by the senior sages. It wasn't long before Rendil had learned of the Sages' role in the building of New Targonor, the responsibilities of advising the Thestran Council, and even the need for proper evaluation of new candidates, among other subjects.
Link: Preis der Verschwiegenheit Kapitel 3 (
Link: Forum (