Vollständige Version anzeigen : "Fanboi" ?

16.08.2004, 19:23
Also dieser Begriff "Fanboi" ist mir in diesem Board jetzt schon einige Male über den Weg gelaufen. Ich habe ihn hier zum ersten Mal gehört und jetzt interessiert es mich doch, was oder wer das genau sein soll.

Ts ... nach all den Jahren MMORPG und trotzdem kennt man nicht alles ;)

16.08.2004, 19:46
Hm, stell Dir jemand vor, der das Spiel immer und überall in den Himmel lobt, Kritik in keiner Weise zulassen kann, die Devs vergöttert und deren Worte und Entscheidungen seine Bibel sind.
Das ist dann ein Fan-Boy
Naja, nicht so viel Alt trinken, dann weiss man sowas auch *fg*

16.08.2004, 19:48
Ein "Fanboi" ist jemand, das etwas (oder jemand), von dem er Fan ist, auf Teufel komm raus in den Himmel lobt und mit fanatischem Eifer fern ab aller Logik oder argumentativer Basis versucht, Kritik an eben jenem Objekt der "Anbetung" abzuschmettern.
So hab ich das jedenfalls immer verstanden ;)

16.08.2004, 19:56
ah, also ist eine Fan-Boy-Herde eine bestimmte WoW-Seite, die ich mal besuchte *g*

PS: Banjo, das liegt nicht am Alt, sondern an den vielen Weizen ;)

16.08.2004, 23:25
fanboys gibt es in allen kulturbereichen.... nicht nur MMORPGs


Fanboy [fÃ¥nbòï]: n. 1) A person who follows royalty around waving palm fronds 2) A person who tries to ingratiate themselves with their favorite writer/artists/fursuiter/etc in order to get stories/art/snuggling done for free or merely to be 'in' with the crowd they're in, usually to the point of annoyance, and in rare cases, obsessiveness.

v. 1) To wave a palm frond at the male youth of royalty 2) to become increasingly annoying and/or clingy to your favorite writer/artist/fursuiter to the point of obsessiveness.

* You constantly follow a fursuiter around
* You constantly follow a fursuiter around taking pictures of them in any situation, even if they tell you to stop
* You follow fursuiters around and say more than once "Can I try on your suit?"
* You follow someone around for hours on end, but won't ever actually TALK to them, in suit or out.
* You ask werewolves to bite you so you can become one yourself.
* You hissed at the sight of soap.
* Soap disintigrates it gets near your body.
* You take a shower and the water goes around you.
* You think 'tact' is what they hold posters up with.
* You NEED new artwork NOW, because all your old artwork is stuck together.
* Endbac causes you to disintegrate like a vampire in the sun.
* You actually have a copy of the "WTFIWWY" Magic card created by Penny Arcade, but you don't think it applies to you
* You you hang out in #fursuit but have no suit nor really have any viable plans of building one, or owning one.
* If you lose all interest in someone if they DON'T have a fursuit.
* If you have ever thought of having intimate realtions with someone's fursuit but couldn't care less about who is in it .
* If your smell kills all the bugs and plants as you walk down the hall.
* If the wavy stink lines coming from your body don't have to be imagined, they can be caught on film.
* If you can squeeze the grease out from your hair and fry frenchfries with it.
* If you go to a con and sit in the internet room all day and night.
* If you wear a wallet chain to safeguard your bus pass and the picture of the Pikachu plushie you keep in your wallet.