11.11.2004, 15:04
Wollte meine JBoots mir regestrieren auf meinen account... bei meinem Bruder hats ja geklappt vor ein paar Tagen nun kam meine CD und ich erhalte folgenden Text:
Starter Kit Owners:
If you received a Starter Kit by preordering and have not yet gone through the process of redeeming your code for the journeyman boots, please hold off doing so until you have registered your key for the retail version of the game.
Those of you who have already redeemed your codes are fine and can claim the boots normally. We're posting this because there could be an issue if someone were to redeem the code between the time the beta servers are brought down and the live ones come up. You'll be fine if you follow the steps in this order:
Install the retail version of the game
Register the EverQuest II account key included in the box
Redeem the code for the journeyman boots found in the Starter Kit
Again, there is no need for anyone who has already redeemed their code to worry; your account is flagged properly. This is simply a preventative measure to ensure that nobody has a problem going forward.
kann mir jemand nun erklaeren wie ich den pre order code auf meinen nun aktivierten EQ 2 account bekomme ???
danke euch im vorraus...
der nun zocken will.
Starter Kit Owners:
If you received a Starter Kit by preordering and have not yet gone through the process of redeeming your code for the journeyman boots, please hold off doing so until you have registered your key for the retail version of the game.
Those of you who have already redeemed your codes are fine and can claim the boots normally. We're posting this because there could be an issue if someone were to redeem the code between the time the beta servers are brought down and the live ones come up. You'll be fine if you follow the steps in this order:
Install the retail version of the game
Register the EverQuest II account key included in the box
Redeem the code for the journeyman boots found in the Starter Kit
Again, there is no need for anyone who has already redeemed their code to worry; your account is flagged properly. This is simply a preventative measure to ensure that nobody has a problem going forward.
kann mir jemand nun erklaeren wie ich den pre order code auf meinen nun aktivierten EQ 2 account bekomme ???
danke euch im vorraus...
der nun zocken will.