27.07.2005, 21:14
Audio Designer Todd "Nino" Masten hat im offiziellen Forum zu einem möglicherweise anstehenden Feature in Vanguard : Saga of Heroes gemacht. Sollte sich Sigil dafür entscheiden, so erwartet uns im fertigen Spiel ein Musikplayer der in aller Vorraussicht das WMA-Format abspielen kann.
If, and it is a big 'if' at this point, we do have a music player it will be WMA. We are using WMA as our compressed delivery format for music and sound. WMA also supports surround sound compression and decompression in real time; which I would love to use at some point. It also incorporates both constant and variable bit rate compression functions. I don't think there is any other compression format that offers this many features at this time.
Link: <a target="_blank"" href="">Beitrag von Todd Masten</a>
Link: Kommentare im Forum (
If, and it is a big 'if' at this point, we do have a music player it will be WMA. We are using WMA as our compressed delivery format for music and sound. WMA also supports surround sound compression and decompression in real time; which I would love to use at some point. It also incorporates both constant and variable bit rate compression functions. I don't think there is any other compression format that offers this many features at this time.
Link: <a target="_blank"" href="">Beitrag von Todd Masten</a>
Link: Kommentare im Forum (