Vollständige Version anzeigen : Skills - Shadowknight

30.11.2004, 10:09
1.8 - Wild Swing : Extra low damage attack
3 - Taunt : Taunt
4 - Toughness : Increases AC
5 - Kick : Crushing damage attack
7 - Assualt : PBAE attack
8 - Shout : AE taunt
9 - Call to Arms : Group slashing,crushing and piercing skill buff
10 - Blessed Weapon : Chance to do Divine damage with each swing
11 - Righteous Blow : Divine damage attack
12 - Demonstration of Faith : Single Target Ward
13 - Righteous Anger : Divine DD
14 - Cry of Conviction : AE Divine damage attack - 6 targets max
15.6 - Faithful Swing : Attack which heals crusader a bit
17 - Offering of Armament : Give some of your AC to another party member
17.6 - Inflame : Taunt
19 - Vigor of Trust : Single Target STR + STA buff
19.6 - Charge : Medium damage attack with knockdown
20 - Harm Touch : Instant powerless disease DD
20 - Unholy Steed : Summon horse
21 - Graven Embrace : Reduce hate on target
21.6 - Sickening Decay : AE disease attack
22 - Grim Coil : Disease DoT
22.6 - Decree of Decay : Increases hate and curses all enemies with a lifetap shield
23 - Unholy Order : Group offense + disease resist buff
23 - Shriek of Terror : Taunt + AE disease debuff
24 - Tainted Caress : Curses enemy, chance anyone hitting it steals part of its soul
24.6 - Grim Harbinger : Each strike has a chance to do extra disease damage
25 - Fetid Grasp : Disease attack
26 - Tainted Sacrament : Summons shade to fight for you briefly. Requires tainted soul
26.6 - Infernal Pact : Ward party member and gain a chance to lifetap foes
27 - Decrepit Slam : Stun + Disease damage
27.6 - Condemning Spirit : Disease DD
28 - Consume Vitae : Disease DD, some converted to caster health
28.6 - Cruel Intent : AE disease attack + slashing DoT
29 - Painbringer : Attack with STR debuff
29 - Sorrow : Slashing DoT + AE disease attack (requires 2h weapon)
30 - Draw Strength : STR debuff + STR self buff
30.6 - Lucan’s Pact : Reduces offense for defense, resistances + undead form (woot!)
31 - Disease Cloud : Taunt + Disease DoT
31.6 - Grant of Armament :
32 - Grim Sword : Attack + Disease DD
32.6 - Evasive Maneuvers : Shield party member from attacks + parry buff
33 - Spiked Boot : Medium damage piercing attack
33.6 - Contract of Shadows : STR + STA+ AGI buff
34 - Malefic Touch : Harm Touch upgrade
35 - Swarming Spirits : AE lifetap
37 - Insatiable Hunger : Group offense buff + group lifetap proc
38 - Unhallowed Aura : STR + disease damage proc
38.6 - {Tainted Caress} - Obviously a vendor bug, let me know what goes here
39 - Baleful Smite : Disease attack + AE disease DD
40 - Dreadful Wrath : High damage attack + move speed debuff
40 - Summon Squire : Summons a willing squire
40.4 - Unholy Blessing : Wards target + increases damage
40.8 - Cursed Sacrament : Tainted Sacrament upgrade
41 - Destructive Slam : Stun + Stifle (requires shield)
42 - Devour Vitae : Upgrade to Consume Vitae
42.6 - Agonizing Cry : Slashing DoT + AE Disease attack + AGI debuff (requires 2h weapon)
42.6 - Unending Pain : AE disease attack + slashing DoT + AGI debuff
43 - Pariah’s Mark : Attack + Taunt
44.4 - Malevolent Circle : Decreases offense for increased defense and disease based AC buff
44. 6 - Plague Sword : Upgrade to Grim Sword
44.8 - Siphon Strength : Upgrade to Draw Strength
45 - Insidious Whisper : Taunt + Disease DoT + Attack Debuff
45.6 - Gift of Armament : Give some of your AC to a party member
46 - Calculated Evasion : Shield part member from attacks, AGI buff
47 - Soulrend : Medium damage attack + WIS debuff
47.6 - Unholy Strength : STR + STA + AGI buff
48 - Ruinous Touch : Harm Touch upgrade
49 - Death Cloud : AE Disease DoT
50 - Blasphemy : Taunt + AE divine attack
50 - Despoiling Mist : AE AC debuff
50 - Hand of Lucan : Glowing hand effect
50 - Wicked Coil : Disease DoT

19.03.2005, 12:11
23 - Shriek of Terror : Taunt + AE disease debuff

was ist mit dem spruch? hab den mal bei mir in liste gesucht aber find den ums verrecken nicht. gibts den noch, wurd der ausm spiel genommen? oder einfach nur zu nem anderen level?

21.03.2005, 14:46
Wie es aussieht, ist es ein lvl36-Spell: http://eq2.ogaming.com/db/list/abilities_shadowknight.php

Es gibt auch ein entsprechendes Rezept für die Essenz: http://eq2craft.computersims.com/Recipe.aspx?id=2712, das ebenfalls im Rezeptbuch lvl36 steht, also muss es wohl stimmen.
