Vollständige Version anzeigen : Skills - Guardian

30.11.2004, 11:10
1.8 - Wild Swing : Extra low damage attack
3 - Taunt : Taunt
4 - Toughness : Increases AC
5 - Kick : Crushing damage attack
7 - Assualt : PBAE attack
8 - Shout : AE taunt
9 - Call to Arms :Group slashing,crushing and piercing skill buff
10 - Taunting Blow : Attack which also taunts
11 - Mangle : Attack which damages and reduces target attack skills
12 - Rallying Cry : Raises party defense against slashing, crushing and piercing
13.6 - Hunker Down : Increase defense but reduces offense and threat level
14 - Wound : Slashing DoT
15 - Hold The Line : Immobilizes warrior, each hit dealt by Warrior procs AE taunt
15.6 - Forced Swing : Attack which can be used while stunned
17 - Concussion : Crushing attack with power damage
17.6 - Anger : Ranged taunt
19 - Battle Tactics : Group HP buff
20 - Sentinel : Sometimes absorb all damage a single party member would take
20 - Hand of the Just : Glowing hand visual effect
21 - Allay : Allow the Guardian to block and parry sometimes for a party member
21.6 - Bury : AE attack which also puts a crushing DoT on one of them
22 - Slam : High damage attack
22.6 - Shouting Cry : Taunt + AE damage debuff
23 - Guardian’s Call : Group offense buff + Guardian parry buff
24 - Call of Command : Group defense buff
24.6 - Taunting Challenge : Reduces damage + increased hate generation
25 - True Strike : Attack which ignores enemy AC
25.6 - Ruin : Attack + offense debuff + slashing DoT
26.6 - Battle Cry : Group AC + STA buff
27 - Bull Rush : Stun + knockdown target (Requires shield)
28 - Iron Will : STA buff
28.6 - Maim : Slashing DoT + attack speed debuff
29 - Shatter : Attack + Slashing resist debuff
30 - Desperate Flurry : Attack speed buff while draining power
30.6 - Dig In : Decreases offense and slows movement but increases defense and mitigation
31 - Suppress : Taunt + attack speed debuff
31.6 - Batter : Power DoT + chance to stifle target
32 - Entrench : Slows enemy attack speed and movement but increases its defence
32.6 - Never Surrender : Shield part member from attacks + parry buff
33.6 - Do Or Die : HP + defense buff
34 - Safeguard : Upgrade to Sentinel
35 - Topple : AE attack + AE attack debuff
36 - Crush : High damage attack
36 - Smothering Cry : Taunt + AE stifle
37 - Call to Battle : Group offense buff + Self defense buff
38 - Vengeful Strike : Reduces damage but increases STA and hate generation
38.6 - Call of Protection : Group AC buff
39 - Ferocious Charge : Attack which lowers enemy defense + Slashing DoT + chance to stifle
40 - Form of the Rook : Rook Form
40 - Retaliate : High damage attack
40.4 - Commanding Presence : Group AC + HP + STA buff
40.8 - Unerring Strike : Attack which ignores armour class
41 - Staggering Slam : Stun + damage debuff (requires shield)
42 - Cleave : Slashing DoT, attack Speed debuff and Power damage
42.6 - Iron Conviction : STA buff
43 - Overwhelm : High damage attack
44 - Taunting Assault : AE taunt + damage
44.4 - Fortified Stance : Reduced Offense for Increased Defence and Crushing resist
44.8 - Desperate Rush : Upgrade to Desperate Flurry
45 - Deafen : Taunt + Attack speed debuff + Power damage
45.6 - Vindication : Power damage over time + chance to stifle + mental buff
46 - Vigilance : Shield party member from attacks + chance to intervene
46.6 - Anchor : Attack speed + movement debuff but increases enemy AC
47 - Return to Battle : HP + defense buff, grants STR buff when ends
47 - Swamp : Medium damage attack + offense debuff
48.6 - Sentry : Upgrade to Safeguard
49 - Tremor : AE attack + stun + offense debuff
50 - Blast : High damage attack
50 - Guardian Sphere : Sometimes absorb damage dealt to the party
50 - Guardian’s Sanctuary : Glowing visual effect
50 - Protect : AE taunt