Vollstndige Version anzeigen : TenTonHammer ber die Entwicklung

23.08.2005, 22:03
Ein neues Editorial auf TenTonHammer.com erzhlt ein Stck Geschichte aus der Sicht eines EQ Spielers. In dem Artikel geht es darum, welche Herausforderungen sich das Team gegenber sieht, welches Vanguard : Saga of Heroes entwickelt und wie sie die groe Community mit den hohen Anforderungen zufrieden stellen wollen.

Comparisons between Vanguard and EQ / EQ2 run rampant on the boards. Landscapes are hauntingly similar. Looking at some of the beach shots, it's hard not to see the Oasis. And that isn't where it ends. We ask about land size, questing, crafting. Everything is held under the microscope to what this team has done before. It's a normal progression within a community and so far so good, because “If it ain't broke don't fix it.” How do we decide what is broke or what is just right?

Sigil seems to be stepping away from the "dumbed down" MMO path that many others are taking. We're seeing a progression toward a more strategy based game on their part by taking their classes in an entirely different direction. The Rogue, for instance, doesn't seem to be your typical backstabbing, pick-pocketing thief.

Link: <a target="_blank" href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?op=modload&amp;name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid= 105&amp;mode=thread&amp;order=0&amp;thold=0">Editorial auf TenTonHammer</a>
Link: Eure Kommentare hierzu im Forum (http://forum.vsoh.info/showthread.php?p=7668#post7668)