"There exists a realm outside of Telon where reason does not exist, only malice, cruelty and madness. This is the realm of Kaon, a realm of absolute chaos. Spewing forth from a rift between worlds, the denizens of Kaon have swept across the Elven Forest seeking to deliver misery and destruction upon the lands. Most recognizable of Kaon´s brood are the deceptively evil Kaon Fairies, tiny winged beings of unbridled cruelty and a possessing of a preternatural lust to inflict pain and suffering on any living creature unfortunate enough to cross their path. There exist many differences between Kaon fairies and the more common fairies found on Telon. Some grow terrible horns and vicious spines in addition to their steel hard talons, while others are covered with spiky growths of bone that protect them like armor plates. Others lack such augments and instead simply possess a dark grace and beauty, as well as an innate mastery over magic. If you are in doubt whether or not that tiny flying woman is a Kaon Fairy, the talons are a good indication that you should keep your eyes protected and a weapon ready."
-- Jon Hegner, Associate Game Designer |