Cindy Bowens hat nun im offiziellen Forum bekannt gegeben, dass die Anmeldung für dieses Event in Las Vegas beendet ist, aber Interessierte nocht die Möglichkeit haben an der Abendkasse Eintritskarte zu erwerben.

Registration for the Las Vegas Fanguard closed on Friday. But we still have some space left and I have been getting lots of emails about the option to pay at the door and still attend.

We will be accepting walk-in registrations. The fee is $70 and you can pay at the door. However, space is still limited. So if you plan to attend, please send an email to and we will confirm if there is still space. If we run out of room, people that have emailed us will still be confirmed a spot.
Link: Beitrag von Cindy Bowens
Link: Kommentare im Forum