Wieso es nun weniger Screenshots als in den vergangenen Wochen gab, hat Brad McQuaid im offiziellen Forum erklärt, dass es an der Zeit ist etwas neues zu präsentieren. Da die Screenshots nun all das zeigen was sie auch zeigen sollten wird es erst wieder neue geben, wenn auch etwas neues wie die neu implementierten Effekte (Schatten, Weltlicht etc.) oder Motion-Capturing-Aufnahmen zu zeigen sind. Aber bevor es soweit ist hat sich Sigil Games Online vorgenommen ein Video mit der neuen Animationstechnologie zu zeigen.
Link: Erklärung von Brad McQuaidFirst, we really need to get a movie out. The new animation tech that synchronizes things a lot better is in and I really like it. Some of our recent mo-cap is in, but still not enough.
A lot of the screenshots we've released recently were to show gameplay and what's been going on in beta 0. We'll continue to release these sort of shots, but probably not as often. I think overall the reaction has been positive, but they've also been criticized for not being as artistically put together as other shots, and the engine is always in a state of flux and currently could (and will) look a lot better (shadows, world light, etc. -- I addressed this in a recent post). So my inclination at this point is to wait a bit until we have some new stuff to show as well as shots that look better visually.
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