Quick answer: time and experinece have proven that you can't go too far in either direction with many of the issues you bring up.
Twinking can be harmful, but we believe it does more good than harm, and that balance problems can be achieved by soft level limits, etc.
Soloing is fine, and we will support it. But Vanguard is mostly about grouping. Not just because we think grouping is more fun, but because it creates relationships and community and is therefore a great retention mechanism.
But it's also important to understand the business plan behind a game. We're building Vanguard to last a LONG time. So to some extent we will have to curtail things that hurt long term retention but that might be more fun for some people. These are very hard decisions. I've voiced my concerns enough as to what could happen to a game long term if nothing is done. But we also know that crascking down on every little thing makes a game draconian and less fun overall.
You have to identify the potentially harmful issues and then give them a severity level. Is allowing a high level player to buff up or heal a low level palyer in a low level dungeon a good thing? Probably not. But is keeping them from buffing them at all the right fix? I'd say no.
TLC is another example. Bottomfeeding is generally bad. But if you implement TLC poorly, you can easily do more harm than good. Same goes for travel, keeping groups together, the level range in which you can receive experience while grouped, death penalties, etc.
it's all about balance and who your target audience is. And it's no easy task, but I think we have some really good ideas. And if some of those ideas indeed do more harm than good in beta, I promise you they'll be yanked immediately.