Vanguard Update #1 + First Test Server Patch Notes - Fires of Heaven ************* (Ni
Originally Posted by Jedite
Nino if you read this..
Were are the helmets man? hehe
1 other thing, has there been any discussion as far as re evaluating the Paladin Virtue stuff? If you go over the paladin boards at the affiliate paladin site, its pretty much a concensus that as of right now Virtues are hardly ever used for the exeption of LoH due to the high point cost, and the really HORRIBLE method to ataining virtue points..
For example right now its either wait 72min for 3 points, or get points by using rescues, but only when you rescue someone and you yourself are below 20% health which NEVER freaking happens in any type of group situation, basically u get lucky if you get a virtue point when you rescue given as to how healing right now works were basically if you the tank lose agro you are probably getting healed anyhow so u wont get to 20%, and if you are not the main tank then pretty much forget about losing health.
The virtue system needs a HUGE revamp, specially since really most of the virtue talents are next to worthless given the current implementation of the system.
I will talk to the class guys about virtue points and see if there is something we can do.
Helmets are unknown at this point sadly.</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven