Greetings!<br><br>Due to some technical difficulties we were unable to fully test The Inevitable City during last night's Public City test, so we're bringing the whole gang back for one more night of no holds barred PTS City Testing! This SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY at 8:00 PM EDT we'll be hoisting the banner of <span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">WAR</span> and invading the streets of The Inevitable City on the Warpstone Public Test Server. As has been the case with the last 2 tests, only character copies will be enabled, no templates, so be sure to copy your characters over early! For information on how to access the Warpstone PTS and how to copy your characters over, <a href="">p lease read here</a>. <br><br>But wait, there's more!<br><br>Everyone who comes to Sunday night's test will be entered in a random drawing to win 1 of 6 copies of the Collector's Edition versions of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning autographed by the development team!<br><br>So come one, come all, and we'll see you on Warpstone!<br>