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Thema: Anmeldung zur Fanguard eröffnet

  1. Standard Anmeldung zur Fanguard eröffnet

    Die Anmeldung zur kommenden Fanguard in San Diego USA ist eröffnet. Wer Zeit und Geld hat kann sich für 80 US Dollar zur Teilnahme anmelden. Das Event findet am 27. Januar statt.

    The San Diego Fanguard begins with a cocktail party with our team in Friday night. Saturday will include demos of Vanguard, discussions with our team members, fun activities, contests and loads of fun meeting and getting to know your fellow gamers!

    We will also be conducting another “Cattle Call†and interviewing potential team members. We hired several people from the last Fanguard and will likely hire more of them as we progress in our development. If you are interested in working with us, don’t miss your chance to get a face to face interview with our team! Space is limited but we will interview as many as we can fit into our schedule. If you would like to request an interview appointment, please click here.
    Note: you must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by an adult to attend this event
    Link: zur Anmeldung für die Fanguard
    Link: Kommentare im Forum

  2. Standard

    Bin mal gespannt wann es endlich eine solche Fanguard in Europa geben wird. In absehbarer Zeit wird dies wohl leider nicht geschehen.
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
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    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

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