Die neuesten meldungen von Perpetual stellen Andrew Proberts als Raumschiffdesigner vor, welcher auch in Star Trek Online seine Künste im Innenbereich der Schiffe zeigen wird. Daneben, dass nun Proberts für Perpetual Entertainment arbeiten wird, wird auch seine Person ein wenig vorgestellt.
Passend dazu wird in einer weiteren Pressemitteilung von Perpetual Entertainment die Funktion einer Raumstadt (Raumschiff) aufgegriffen und erleutert, dass sie zur Schaffung des MMORPGs einige Fragen beantworten werden, welche durch die Serien noch offen blieben.Andrew Probert's artistic career spans over twenty years, many of them working on science-fiction fans favorite Hollywood productions. In addition to his work on the starships of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Probert also designed many of the first seasons sets, props, and alien environments, and even the main title logo-type. Among Andrew's other well-known designs are the Klingon battle cruiser's bridge and Vulcan shuttle in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the interior and exterior of the AirWolf helicopter, and the original Cylon robot villains and Cylon BaseStar in Glen Larson's Battlestar Galactica.
In diesem Bericht beschreibt Glen Dahlgren die Relationen zwischen Spielern, deren Vorhaben und der Umgebung. Zu der Umgebung gehört die Gestalltung der Räume, die Aufteilung in Decks sowie das Layout. Aber wichtig ist auch, dass sich der Spieler hierbei immer zurecht finden wird und genügen Freiraum bekommt.
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Glen Dahlgren here, Design Director on STO, and it's my pleasure to give you a peek into another aspect of our design process.
Because of our recent press release, you may already be aware that we're working with yet another experienced Star Trek designer: Andrew Probert, the guy who designed the Enterprise D, Next Gen's original Starship. But you're certainly not familiar with the intimate details of HOW he is contributing - and that's what I'd like to discuss.
While we're very excited to have the opportunity to create brand-new ships and technology (and we will be doing so), one of our goals for STO is to bring alive the iconic people, things, and places from Star Trek's shows and movies - that with which you're already very familiar. An obvious target is the Galaxy-class Starship, the anchor of TNG. Who doesn't want to wander those halls, walk around that bridge, or explore the holodeck? And how about visiting some of the places that the show only hinted at, like the Cetacean (dolphin) quarters or the immense double-barreled main computer core?
So we know we want to explore the Galaxy-class ship, but what function should it serve in an MMO? Despite the relatively few extras we saw wandering its halls on the show, the ship theoretically housed and serviced thousands of people. Effectively, it's a flying city - and indeed, a Galaxy-class ship will be one of our many hubs: inter-connected foci of content that provide infrastructure, social centers, and launching points for missions (although they are certainly not the only source of these things). This is one of the ways we can give players the important experience of ship life.