Die zwei großen Internetseitenbetreiber IGN und Gamespot haben zu Vanguard Saga of Heroes zwei zusammenfassende Previews des Spiels aus dem Hause Sigil Games Online verfasst und mit ganzen 12 absolut neuen und sehr schönen Screenshots aus der fantastischen Welt Telons aufgepeppt.
Link: Zu den Bildern bei IGNThere's no official release date for Vanguard, but they plan to get it out by the end of this year. They also plan to have PvP and PvE servers at launch, and they're big fans of actual role play as well, so expect to see a significant RP element as a play style choice. Just about the only thing the team didn't cover was trading and auctions, so we'll be sure to bug them about that as the game gets closer to launch.
Link: Artikel bei IGN
Link: Artikel bei Gamespot
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