Die Kollegen von Vanguard Fighters nutzten die Gelegenheit und führten ein Interview mit Steve "Aruspex" Williams, einem Entwickler der Diplomatie Sphere. In diesem Gespräch wird erörtert, welche Bedeutung die Diplomatie auch für einen Krieger besitzt.

Why Tanks Should Care About Diplomacy

At the Fanguard closing dinner I was fortunate enough to sit with Steve Williams (Aruspex), one of the developers working on the diplomacy sphere in Vanguard.

I had a passing interest in diplomacy because it is something new and unique… but I have to admit it has been simply a case of a little curiosity since I tend to be a “powergamer” and planned to concentrate on adventuring. I asked some pretty uninformed questions and Steve patiently answered them. And then I inadvertently asked a question which has changed my entire perspective on the diplomacy sphere! I asked him if a character who wanted to specialize in diplomacy could spend his entire career in cities, only venturing into the “wild” to travel between population centers.

Steve’s response was that it would probably be possible, but that character would miss so much content that he couldn’t understand why anyone would want to restrict themselves like that. He then started explaining how they want to make the different spheres interact with each other and make each sphere interesting to people who normally might not find them so attractive at first glance. (I felt like he was talking directly about me at this point!) We all heard Jeff and Brad’s example of how a diplomat might be able to gain access to the throne room in a particular place, and therefore access to the king who might then give special quests. But Steve’s example was much more direct and really got me interested. It was a very simple concept. Here’s what he said…

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