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Thema: Problem beim starten des spiels ...

  1. Standard

    hmm, schwer zu sagen woran es noch liegen könnte. Versuch mal in einer anderen Bildschirmauflösung zu spielen, am besten in der niedrigsten und wenn das dann geht, "hoch arbeiten".

    Ansonsten geh bitte mal auf Start/Ausführen. Dort gibst Du "dxdiag" ein und machst nen Screeni von der "System" Seite und der "Anzeige" Seite. ggf ist daraus was ersichtlich...

  2. Standard Endlich - Jetzt Nur Noch Ein Sache

    also ich ha mcih ma umgesehn und diesen beitrag hier im forum gefunden:

    solltet ihr nimmer ins spiel kommen und eine direktx fehlermeldung bekommen so liegt das an den treibern für den nForce 4 chipsatz.

    die Lösund ist einfach: auf der nvidia seite für nforce 4 "standalone installation kit" downloaden und bei der anschließenden installation die deinstallation der alten treiber zulassen sowie die firewall deaktiviert installieren - dann solls wieder gehen...

    so jetzt hab ich nur noch eine farge ...
    woher bekomm ich dieses nforce 4 "standalone installation kit"?? ich hab auf der seite von nvidia schon anchgesehn udn find es einfach nciht.... kann mir jemand nen link oder so geben? wäre sehr ... wirklcih sehr dankbar


  3. #13


    Onkel Google ist dein Freund:

    wobei man das auch leicht direkt auf der nvidia Seite findet *hust*

    für AMD

    für Intel

    (Download Drivers --> Platform/nforce Drivers --> hallo da sind wir)

  4. Standard

    wie kann man die deinstallation der alten treiber zulassen?

    ahja als ich ma bei google meine fehlermeldung eingegeben hab kam ma dieser thread aus nem anderen forum ...:

    verQuest II has detected an unrecoverable error and must shutdown.

    <verify> c:\test\eq2\framework\core\devices\src\DirectX9Ren derDevice.cpp Unable to create D3D device for [Graphics Card]

    For users experiencing this problem, many fixes have been reported to solve the problem. However, doing some or all of these fixes out of order can cause new problems. I have therefore created this guide to help users install the fixes in the order least likely to create problems.

    The best way to attempt to fix this problem is to do a clean attempt from the ground up. Here are the instructions for installing fixes in the proper order.

    1. Know what you have. What you download to fix this depends on what you have in your system. A good program, like Lavalys Everest, can help you determine the motherboard information, while the built-in DirectX tool DXDIAG will tell you what Operating system, DirectX version, and graphics card and driver version you have.

    You can get Everest from the following location:


    Under the "Computer" entry, choose "Summary".

    A. In the main window, look under Motherboard for Chipset. This will likely be a Via, Intel, SiS, or nVidia chipset. Don't forget which specific chipset you have. Write this down.

    The Lavalys Display entry will give you some detailed information, such as your GPU core, and the current and original speed. If you are overclocking, you may want to turn it back down to the original speed.

    **Be aware that we do not make or support Everest. The link is here for convenience, and we will not support any problems with or that arise from the use of that program**

    B. The DirtectX window is actually a little easier to use for this step, so close Lavalys and click Start->Run and type "DXDIAG" (no quotes). Then press ENTER.

    On the System tab, take note of your Operating System (Get the correct version- is it Windows 98, or 98SE? XP Home or Pro?). Write this down.

    Look at your DirectX version. It should be 9.0c. If it is not 9.0c, then try downloading 9.0c and then trying the game, this could solve your problem. If it is 9.0c, continue these steps.

    C. On the Display tab, you can check your DEVICE NAME. This will tell you the maker (usually nVidia or ATi) as well as which card family, such as GeForce FX or Radeon 9xxx series.

    On the right will be the Driver version number. This is important. It should start with 6.14.0010 and the last 4 numbers are the version. Write this down.

    2. Now you know what you have. This is where you determine what you need. Please download each of the following, but get the versions for your hardware:

    A. DirectX 9.0c redistributable package- this is the same for everyone. You can get it from the link at the bottom of the following page called DirectX 9.0c redist:


    B. Your chipset drivers. The correct versions of this are incredibly important. Likely sites to find them are as follows:

    Intel chipsets:


    nVidia chipsets:


    Via chipsets:


    SiS chipsets:


    C. The recommended drivers for your graphics card and Operating System. The 2 likely places are:





    D. A driver cleaner program. One such program is Driver Cleaner PE:


    3. Now, we start fixing the problem. In order to get everything installed properly, and layered right, follow the steps in this order.

    A. Setup the driver cleaner program, but do not have it remove any drivers yet. Just make sure it is installed.

    B. Run the DirectX 9.0c redist to the point of extracting the files to a new folder. Finish extracting, but do not run the installer.

    C. Now, use the Add/Remove Programs option from the Control Panel to remove your current display drivers (if you have the nVidia GART driver, remove this first).

    D. Once the drivers are removed, you will have to restart. When Windows comes up, cancel the installation of the "New Hardware" if it starts.

    E. Run the Driver Cleaner program. Make sure you remove the drivers using the nVidia or the ATi option, depending on which card you had.

    F. Once this program has finished running, restart the computer.

    4. When the computer restarts, hold down F8 to boot into Safe Mode. Choose the normal Safe Mode (or With Networking) but not Safe Mode Command prompt Only.

    5. Once in Safe Mode, install the chipset drivers. When the install completes, restart the computer. Again, hold down F8 to re-enter Safe Mode.

    **NOTE: If you have an nForce board, and you are offered the install of ForceWare Network Manager or the ForceWare Firewall, you should select NO to the install prompt for these features.**

    6. Once back in Safe Mode, run the installer for DirectX out of the folder it created when you extracted it in Step 3 B. When the install completes, restart the computer. Again, hold down F8 to re-enter Safe Mode.

    7. Now that we are in Safe Mode again, double-click on the Driver Installer to install the Video Drivers (for some versions of Windows, you cannot install device drivers in Safe Mode. If this is the case for you, cancel the installation when you get the error message, and restart the computer into normal startup mode).

    8. When the install completes, restart the computer. You no longer need to enter Safe Mode.

    9. Before trying the game, go to your EverQuest II directory. This is usually C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\ and can be reached from My Computer.

    10. Once in this folder, at the top of the window click on View->Arrange Icons By->Type.

    11. Now, locate and delete the following files:

    A. All files that end in INI. These look like a notepad with a gold gear imposed on it. They will all be in a group, with names like eq2_recent, eq2_default, charactername-servername-eq2-uisettings, and eq2.ini. Select ALL of these, and delete them.

    B. Go into the UI folder. Remove any folder or file that is not named "Default" or "Fonts".

    C. Back in the main EQ2 folder, locate EverQuest2.exe and delete this.

    D. Now close this window.

    Restart the game. Let it patch until PLAY lights up, then click on Details->Full Scan. When the Full Scan completes, play the game.

    Message Edited by TSR-Cory S on 09-21-2005 05:20 PM

    Message Edited by TSR-Cory S on 12-19-2005 03:10 AM

    Customer Support Representative
    Sony Online Entertainment
    PHONE SUPPORT available Monday through Friday, 9am-1:30pm and 3:30pm-6pm PST at (858)537-0898

    Live technical Chat with our CSR's Monday through Friday 9am-6pm PST.
    You may search our Technical Knowledge Base at any time to access the full library of our support solutions.

    naja ich wei&#223; ja nicht ob das was damit zu tun hat ... bin au&#223;erdem noch sch&#252;ler und kann noch nciht so gut englisch und versteh daher ncoht nicht alles ... aber naja vllt k&#246;nnt ihr mir ja trotzdem helfen ...

    PS: gibt es eigentlich auch einen technischen kundendienst wo man mal anrufen kann???

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