That looks like a depiction of the Elder Age when Brell called together a number of gods to stop Veeshan's progress.
The Center image is Veeshan's. It's mistaken as a drow symbol due to the fact that it's seen throughout Neriak. But, it is seen other places and is known by those that follow lore as Veeshan's symbol.
The symbols surrounding the center one are the symbols of Tunare, Brell, Prexus, Rallos Zek, Bertox, and also, I believe, Innoruuk. This exact pattern can be found in Neriak, 3rd Gate, near where you go to find the merchant of old dark elf cultural goods.
I used to know a site that fully described the symbol and how it's supposed to be part of some doomsday prophecy involving the dark gods. My theory?
The Gods return to Norrath, starting with Veeshan.