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Thema: Serverdown für LU23

  1. Standard Serverdown für LU23

    Wie uns Straight Shooter mitteilte, so wird es für das kommende LiveUpdate 23 einen Serverdown geben.

    Vorgesehene Stillstandszeit 5/5/2006 9:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time / 06.05.2006 06:00 CEST
    Alle deutschsprachigen Server werden um 06:00 CEST am 06.05.2006 zwecks eines Server-Updates heruntergefahren. Die vorgesehene Stillstandszeit wird etwa 2 Stunden betragen.
    - Das SOE Betriebsteam
    Link: Zum Beitrag von Eovania
    Link: Kommentare im Forum

  2. #2


    Und was genau machen sie dann da ? Werden wieder ein paar Texte übersetzt ?

  3. Standard


    zwar gab es bei uns schon eine news zu den patchnotes aber hier gibts sie auch nochmal:

    *** Halls of the Seeing ***

    - Powerful golems guard an imposing doorway on the Temple Grounds. Only the bravest of souls would dare to venture within.
    - Deep inside this hidden sanctum lurks the mysterious and malevolent entity known only as the Seeing.
    - A hoard of treasure is guarded by mighty constructs, obedient servants that will let no one escape with their master's many secrets.
    - Explore the Halls of the Seeing, a new Kingdom of Sky raid zone in the Tenebrous Tangle!

    *** Dungeon Exploration ***

    - The dangerous tunnels of Blackburrow present new challenges and rewards.
    - Many of the powerful gnolls within are rumored to have acquired new, powerful treasures.
    - The gnolls have thrust their weak above group--even lone adventurers may be able to defeat these creatures.

    *** Kingdom of Sky ***

    - You can now find Harla Dar in an instance, accessed via a teleporter near Pantrilla.
    - Ascent of the Awaked has been separated into two different zones. There is an initial 2 group version of the zone that, once completed, will give you access to a 4 group version of the zone.

    *** Desert of Flames ***

    - Rujarkian orcs, one-eyed or otherwise, will no longer count as a cyclops creature kill.

    *** Player-versus-Player ***

    - When unmentoring a player, you will now have a 60 second countdown timer
    - Evil players can now revive and evacuate from Garanel's Resting Place.
    - Pets will no longer cause you to zone without immunity when you don't fight back.
    - Pets will no longer stop a player from using a griffon, carpet or cloud in PvP unless the player takes hostile action.

    *** Gameplay ***

    - The dead can no longer drink.

    *** Quests ***

    - Level 60-70 writs in Freeport will no longer require you to return to the quest giver for your reward.
    - Level 50-60 item collection writs now require 10 items instead of 20.

    *** Items ***

    - The Unholy Edge of the Deathknight and the Unholy Shield of the Deathknight now appear as the Shadowed Blade of the Vault Sentry and the Shadowed Shield of the Vault Sentry, respectively.
    - The proc effect on the Annealed Defender will now work correctly.
    - The healing effect on Ghostly Wraps of Torment should now proc correctly.
    - The appearance of the Ageless Hauberk of Endurance has been updated.
    - The Calamitous Rapidity proc on one of the Twin Calamities now does piercing damage.

    *** Zones and Population ***

    - Drakota Arti’cae, Mjolni, and Dythra will now drop Vox shards on their corpse instead of in a chest.
    - The four spirits needed for access into Miragul's Menagerie should now always be available.
    - The Huuptics on the beach in the Feerrott will now respawn more quickly.

    *** Combat ***

    - A spell's chance to trigger a proc is now adjusted based on its cast time.
    - Player who are feared will now be snared for 40% of their run speed so they don't find themselves terribly far away when the fear wears off.

    - Double Up will not cast if no combat arts have been used recently. Double Up now checks the previous few seconds of combat arts the Brigand used altogether, instead of checking what was used on their current target.
    - Smuggle will no longer break attack-from-stealth attacks for group members who were previously stealthed.

    - Elegy of Awakening now works on other targeted groups within your raid.
    - Wail of Woe's radius has been reduced from 15m to 7.5m.

    - Detect Good will now work properly.

    - Grisly Mark's reuse timer is now 2 seconds.
    - Essence of Anguishes now only summon to the Necromancer.

    - Siphon Strength's reuse timer is now 2 seconds.

    - Reverence's casting time has been reduced to 1 second and its power cost has been lowered.
    - Detect Evil will now work properly.

    - Fortify has been renamed to Fortify Elements.

    *** Achievements ***

    - Cleric: Divine Recovery's casting speed benefit has been changed to 50% instead of 100%.
    - Enchanter: Daydream no longer causes hate when cast and not resisted.
    - Enchanter: Sever Empathy no longer causes hate when cast and not resisted.
    - A successful double attack no longer provides an additional chance to trigger a proc.

    *** Art ***

    - Reactive spell particle effects will no longer duplicate themselves and appear on your mount.

    *** User Interface ***

    - Ward text will now be sent to everyone nearby and can now be logged similar to other heals.
    - Damage remaining on a ward will now display in the effects and maintained window giving you an idea of when they will expire.
    - Reactives, poisons and other limited proc number spells will display the amount remaining in the maintained window.
    - A display issue has been fixed for physical resistances in the mitigation tooltip. No functionality has changed.
    - There is now a dropdown selection in the Persona window for showing your hood or helm, rather than two different checkboxes.
    - Player titles will now appear if NPC evaluation is set to Simple.
    - When title display is set to vertical, the leading comma on suffix titles has been removed.
    - Gamma settings will now remain consistent between windowed mode and full screen.
    - The speaker type option will now only appear if you have Miles selected as the sound provider, as changing these settings with other providers does not do anything.
    - The left mouse button will no longer steer the player when held down in auto follow mode (instead, it will pan around the camera as it is supposed to).
    - You will now retain control of your camera when feared.
    - /random will now roll between 1 and 100 if given no arguments.
    - The mail tooltip will now display the number of messages you have waiting for you in the mailbox.

    Message Edited by Blackguard on 04-21-2006 11:33 AM

    Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

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