snarkteeth wrote:
Not possible via a macro, but you are able to drag equippable items to your hotbars to a certain extent. You will need to drag each item individually (from your bags) that you are interested in equipping.
For weapons this works best between switching with a 2h weapon and a 1h weapon and shield.
Just drag the 2h weapon, 1h weapon, and shield to your hotbar.
Cliking hotbar icons for inventory equipment ONLY equips them. Clicking again will not unequip. This is why it is necessary to make a different hotkey for each item.
With that said, macros can unequip items.
Snip the following code for a comprehensive unequip-all-macro for your needs if you'd like to.
Line 1:
: ; un head ; un chest ; un shoulders ; un forearms ; un hands ; un legs ; un feet ; un neck ;
Line 2:
: ; un ears ; un left_ring ; un right_ring ; un left_wrist ; un right_wrist ; un waist ;
Line 3:
: ; un primary ; un secondary ; un ranged ;
I hope this helps!