LU #24 auf den 14.06 verschoben
Anscheinend besinnt sich SOE darauf ein LU mal wieder "etwas" fehlerfreier ausliefern zu wollen. Daher verchieben sie LU #24 auf den 14.06. Dafür wollen sie aber gleich Inhalte mitliefern die erst für LU #25 geplant waren.
Anscheinend wird auch das Adventure Pack: The fallen Dynasty an diesem Tag live gehen.

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Scott Hartsman
I wanted to get the word out that we will be holding Update 24 on Test Server a little longer. It's now scheduled to go live on 6/14/2006.
As many people already know, the biggest parts of Update 24 will be:
Level 10-59 Tradeskill, Recipe, and Harvesting improvements
The new Betrayal system and content that lets you betray at a level range much wider than the current method
The upcoming changes to the way a number of control-type spells work
The addition of the outpost of Haven and the Exile PvP faction
You can already experiment with these new additions on Test Server and you're more than welcome to join us there to keep an eye on their progress. (Remember that if you want to try things out on test server, Bonus Experience is always enabled there to help people get into testing more quickly.)
Additionally, a number of things will be joining Update 24 that we had originally planned on including with 25. This set you'll be able to see on Test Server starting this week and next:
Broker System -- A number of improvements to the way that Brokers work, including being able to list some items directly at the broker.
Commonlands and Nektulos -- As time passes, the world changes. The next chapter involving the orcs, dervishes, and Thexians unfolds. As a part of this new chapter in Norrath's history, expect improvements in content, visuals, and navigation.
Profession Hats -- Berserkers, Dirges, Guardians, and Templar class-specific hats will be available.
Tailored Clothing Additions -- More diversity in what people can wear.
We'll get into details on these elements and more in the coming weeks. For now, we all wanted to let everyone know where the next update stood and start giving you an idea of what to expect. If there are any further changes to our plans, you'll be able to find out about them here on the boards.
Good hunting,
- Scott

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And this update would also include the adventure pack, Fallen Dynasty as well?

Zitat von
Scott Hartsman
Yes. The date for Fallen Dynasty has not changed as a result of this. If that ends up needing to change, expect more info right here.
- Scott
Kaum macht mans richtig, schon funktionierts
- Mordlust - Assasine
- Seelenleid - Inquisitor
- Feueratem - Hexenmeister
- Gooork - Erzwinger