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Thema: Cindy Bowens tritt zurück

  1. Standard Cindy Bowens tritt zurück

    Leider gibt es an solch schönen Tagen nicht immer nur gute Nachrichten. So hat Zack "Ozuri" Karlsson im offiziellen Forum den Rücktritt von der Community Managerin Cindy Bowens angekündigt, welche aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht länger ihre momentane Tätigkeit weiter ausüben kann.

      As it happens, those of you who have been with the community for a long time are aware that Cindy Bowens, our Abigale Seashadow, has been with the community since its inception before there was even a game announced.

      A few months back, Cindy had to leave us to address some of her medical issues. As those began to resolve, she attempted to come back to us to help steward us into launch. Unfortunately, the load has proven to be too much for her at this time.

      Cindy has decided to take some time off to spend some time focusing on her #1 priority, her health. While she remains a close friend and Sigil family, she will no longer be heading our community efforts. She will continue to consult with us on the community, serving as an advisor and continuing to participate in events where she is able and it is appropriate.

      Cindy will be retaining her Sigil email address, although her forum account will be changing a little to reflect her new status as Sigil Family. You will notice that we have changed the Magenta color post to indicate Sigil Family. These are people with whom we have personal & business relationships although they may not work directly for us, they´re people in whom we have invested a lot of faith and trust and who, in turn, continue to support us in our endeavors -- please treat all of the people in this group with the respect they deserve.

    Link: Ankündigung im offiziellen Forum
    Link: Kommentare im Forum

  2. Standard

    Dann kann man wohl nur noch gute Besserung wünschen, aber Nick wird das mit sicherheit genauso gut erledigen.
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

  3. #3


    Oh das ist sehr schade.
    Lässt sich nur noch hoffen dass sie sich schnell und nachhaltig kurieren kann und dass ihre Vertretung, beziehungsweise Ablöse einen ordentlichen Job macht.

    ps: danke für die accountaktivierung, Gryphus ^^

  4. Standard

    Bis jetzt hat die Ablöse ja alles zu vollster Zufriedenheit erledigt, was meinst du von wem wir die Screenshots bekommen haben

    ps. keine ursache
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

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  3. IRC Chat mit Cindy Bowens
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  4. Cindy Bowens hat geheiratet
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