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Thema: Was hört ihr gerade?

  1. #41


    Covenant - Brave New World

  2. Standard

    gerade: XRS - Cold Hand

  3. #43


    heroes del silencio - entre dos tierras

    Nym | Highelf Sorcerer | 44 | Gelenia
    low lvl artificer

    -This slope, what's his name, Miyagi? And that punk kid? I'm gonna get them for what they did to you. They made you suffer, so I'm gonna make them suffer... and suffer and suffer and when I think they've suffered enough, then I start with the pain!
    -Look Terry you don't have to do this.
    -Don't have to? I want to!

  4. Standard

    Iron Maiden - Bring me your Daughter... to the Slaughter
    GPU: GF7600GS /w 512MBDDR3
    HDD: WDC 3x500GB@SATA300
    RAM: MDT 2x1024MB@667
    CPU: Intel ConRoe@1850
    MoB: ASUS P5LD2ConRoe
    SND: CLSBLive5.1

  5. #45


    Suidakra - C14 Measured By Infinity

  6. Standard

    Subway to Sally - Feuerland
    GPU: GF7600GS /w 512MBDDR3
    HDD: WDC 3x500GB@SATA300
    RAM: MDT 2x1024MB@667
    CPU: Intel ConRoe@1850
    MoB: ASUS P5LD2ConRoe
    SND: CLSBLive5.1

  7. #47
    Stonert Guest


    FMA OST - Kesenai Tsumi
    Wird sicherlich niemandem was Sagen, es sei denn jemand von euch kann japanisch.^^

  8. #48


    fma? full metal alchemist? zwar nie gesehen, aber ist das einzig japanische das ich mir bei fma vorstellen kann....

    six ft. ditch - i destroy your world

    Nym | Highelf Sorcerer | 44 | Gelenia
    low lvl artificer

    -This slope, what's his name, Miyagi? And that punk kid? I'm gonna get them for what they did to you. They made you suffer, so I'm gonna make them suffer... and suffer and suffer and when I think they've suffered enough, then I start with the pain!
    -Look Terry you don't have to do this.
    -Don't have to? I want to!

  9. Standard

    Probot - Centuries of Sin
    GPU: GF7600GS /w 512MBDDR3
    HDD: WDC 3x500GB@SATA300
    RAM: MDT 2x1024MB@667
    CPU: Intel ConRoe@1850
    MoB: ASUS P5LD2ConRoe
    SND: CLSBLive5.1

  10. #50
    Stonert Guest


    Ok hast mich erwischt Chino :p

    VA - Bassdusche Vol.2

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